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《心情/Mind Matters》分集剧情介绍第1-20全集大结局及演员表

来源:九度网剧情   作者:九度网剧情   发布时间:2018-06-07 00:08:35

别 名:心。情
外文名:Mind Matters
导 演:胡凉财
编 剧:白雪宁
集 数:20集大结局
地 区:新加坡



<a target=新加坡电视剧《心情/Mind Matters》分集剧情介绍第1-20全集大结局及演员表" src="/UploadPic/2018-5/201852016352999910.jpg" border="0" onload="return imgzoom(this,380);" style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="javascript:window.open(this.src);"/>



Looking back at five years ago, with his best - selling books, fully - booked schedule for talks and media interviews, Zhou JinShu was a rising celebrity psychiatrist and one of the sought - after psychiatrists in the social elites circle. While he was immersing himself in the sweet smell of success, he was ironically unaware that his girlfriend - JieFang had been suffering from a mental illness - “Delusion of Jealousy.” Feeling neglected and insecure, JieFang had been haunted by her uncontrollable suspicion about JinShu cheating on her. This excessive delusion of jealousy eventually pushed her to the verge of insanity and made her attempt to end her life together with JinShu.

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