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《对对碰/It Takes Two》分集剧情简介第1-34全集大结局

作者:九悦网剧情  时间:2013-03-03 13:17:12

电视剧《对对碰/It Takes Two》剧情介绍:第19集剧情


  You Cai revamps his recipe and lets Mei Shan try his noodles. Mei Shan proclaims the noodles are delicious and even asks him where he bought them from. Encouraged by Mei Shan’s comment, You Cai further pushes himself by trying out famous fishball noodles around the island to further improve his recipe.

电视剧《对对碰/It Takes Two》剧情介绍:第20集剧情


  Yu Wangzi proves Ah Pao to be part of the loanshark syndicate through a simple phone call. Xu Jie understands his vendetta with loansharks rising from his father’s debts, however, she advises him to keep an open mind about Ah Pao. Tony concurs with Xu Jie and tells Yu Wangzi that he is being unfair to Ah Pao, resulting in a heated argument.

电视剧《对对碰/It Takes Two》剧情介绍:第21集剧情


  Niu Wuyin’s father points out to him on the deteriorating standard of his fishballs. Xiuhua reveals Wuyin has recently changed their supplier and no longer makes the fishballs by hand. Wuyin retorts by saying he has made these adjustments in line with customers’ palates.


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