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《对对碰/It Takes Two》分集剧情简介第1-34全集大结局

作者:九悦网剧情  时间:2013-03-03 13:17:12

电视剧《对对碰/It Takes Two》剧情分集介绍:第4集剧情


  Youcai reprimands Zhijie and Meiying when they lament their flat is too small but he gets blamed instead as everyone feels he should be taking the responsibility for their present state of living. Youcai decides to kidnap the God of Fortune to rid of his bad luck.

电视剧《对对碰/It Takes Two》剧情分集介绍:第5集剧情


  Luo Na and family manage to successfully “snatch” the God of Fortune from Niu Wu Yin. Luo Na instructs her family to stare at the statue for auspicious numbers and they manage to find 4 lucky numbers. Luo Na bets on the numbers that every night but does not win anything. Her luck turns for the worse the next day when she gets fined for unhygienic practices at her stall.

电视剧《对对碰/It Takes Two》剧情分集介绍:第6集剧情


  Luo Na goes into a rage when she discovers her dad has spent all his CPF on women. He collapses all of a sudden while she is confronting the women. It turns out he has been taking illegal “Viagra” which has severely affected his health. Luo Na is worried his assets will land in the hands of her siblings should he dies.


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