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来源:转载   作者:jyuew.com   发布时间:2019-03-14 11:03:57

精灵宝可梦:世代剧情介绍第05话:The Legacy

In the wake of Team Rocket's takeover of the Goldenrod Radio Tower, Detective Looker's investigation leads him to an enigmatic young Trainer.

精灵宝可梦:世代剧情介绍第06话:The Reawakening

The mysterious traveler Eusine explores the legends of Ecruteak City’s Burned Tower and the Pokémon who rose from its ashes.

精灵宝可梦:世代剧情介绍第07话:The Vision

When an uninvited guest breaks into their headquarters, Team Magma must race against time to make their ambitions a reality.

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