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《放眼世界360°/Access 360°》分集简介1-全集大结局

作者:九悦网剧情  时间:2015-12-01 11:57:51

《放眼世界360/Access 360°World Heritage》分集介绍:第2集 Taj Mahal

Could the Taj Mahal be in imminent danger? It is one of the grandest works of architecture on the planet. But these days, it has plenty of critics. They insist that this monument to undying love is at risk of collapsing into the river that runs beside it. But the conservators who guard it dispute the claims. We follow the controversy as two groups examine the Taj's stability. The over 360-year-old monument is under serious pressure from the effects of climate change, pollution and mass tourism. After the Mumbai attacks, security is also a serious concern. But could the Taj collapse?

《放眼世界360/Access 360°World Heritage》分集介绍:第3集 Kyoto

A threat looms over Kyoto, Japans cultural centre and a city packed with World Heritage sites. Rapid modernization has decimated its traditional cityscape and threatens age-old cultural practices. Now, a team of warriors from various walks of life battle to preserve Kyoto’s essence in the face of inevitable change. Gain 360 degree access to the world behind the monuments, where the traditional and modern come head to head and less-than-orthodox methods are being tested in the effort to safeguard Kyoto’s traditional identity.

《放眼世界360/Access 360°World Heritage》分集介绍:第4集 Statue of Liberty

A gift to the United States from France and now a World Heritage Site, the Statue of Liberty is an international emblem of freedom and liberty. But over the past decade she’s been off-limits, considered unsafe in a post-9/11 world. U-S Park Service and construction crews are now labouring to re-open this iconic statue. They are renovating her interior so people can get out quickly if there’s an attack. But with the clock ticking to opening day, it’s a massive undertaking. Learning from the World Trade Centre attacks, they are working to guarantee the safety of visitors and to ensure that one of America’s greatest symbols continues to stand tall over New York harbour.

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