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作者:jyuew.com整理  时间:2011-09-17 15:14:32


  This week on Lost Girl: When Dyson wakes up bloody and without the last eight hours of memory, he finds himself accused of murdering Ba’al, a close associate of The Morrigan's pet psychopath, Vex, and takes refuge in Trick's bar, invoking sanctuary. It's up to Bo and Kenzi to recreate Dyson's lost hours and to find the real killer before the forces of the Fae, both light and dark, join forces to take Dyson's head. If Trick tries to prevent it, there may be more blood spilled... and an all-out war amongst the Fae might ensue.

  In the end, Bo and Kenzi fight to find the truth amid a morass of old hostilities and twisted loves... and get the proof to Dyson in time to save his life.


  Bo一行发现有人用人类来搞什么祭祀 然后Bo和Dyson的正义小分队就决定去弄清楚


  后来貌似Kenzi遇到点小麻烦 对Bo些许很生气

  另一个女淫妖回来问Bo说Dyson跟她是不是认真的 Bo问如果是认真的呢 那个女的说“那你就是全世界最不给力的淫妖”

  Bo和Dyson讨论自己是不是要遵守一夫一妻制 Bo说毕竟自己本性不是这样的 但是Bo决定自己继续压抑本性和D搞正常交往 不过唯一的要求就是他俩之间不能有秘密

  然后Dyson去找小老板说要告诉Bo些事情 如果小老板不去他就去……


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