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作者:九悦网剧情  时间:2009-10-15 16:20:35



  The final rounds of auditions for a new West End musical based on the hit childrens book Princess Scrunchie are taking place in the hotel, and its alive with precocious kids, crazy showbiz parents (Scarlett Junior and her mother Scarlett Senior being enough for anyone to handle), as well as a swarm of pestering journalists.

  Tony is stunned when his 13-year-old daughter Liz arrives out of the blue and announces that she is in the final round of auditions. But their shaky relationship is put to the ultimate test when a guest crisis drags Tony away from seeing Lizs critical first audition. The truth comes out in a blaze of teenage angst:he has never been there for her and probably never will be! Tony is mortified, especially when the musicals director, Maxwell Anderson, takes it upon himself to step into the father role. Tony desperately tries to make it up to his daughter and, when the final round of auditions are sabotaged, he sees his opportunity. But when the saboteurs identity emerges, Tony is forced into a shocking realisation. Perhaps Liz is more than a chip off the old block than he gave her credit for?



  Charlie is starting to realise the pressure of managing a five star hotel and a damning missive from head office, criticising his accounting and demanding answers is an added strain he could do without. He quickly brings in a new sommelier to better the profits of the wine cellar, but the Head Office threat becomes just the tip of the iceberg:biblical chaos is going on below stairs – the chambermaids havent been paid. Charlie tells Jackie he’ll sort the situation, but when Jack reveals the lack of pay is all Charlies fault, his promise to get the money by the morning is looking unlikely...




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