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作者:九悦网剧情  时间:2009-10-15 16:14:37

  Prominent MP Theresa Evans is forced to hide in the hotel following the news that her husband Robert has had an affair. With relationship failures and work in common - Rebecca has split from husband Mark - Theresa and Rebecca bond over drinks in the hotel bar. When Theresa spots a wealthy Texan giving her the eye Rebecca encourages her go for it, only to later discover that he is an undercover reporter. Feeling personally responsible, Rebecca resolves to sort out the situation and invites tabloid editor Maria Henson for lunch. Maria tells Rebecca she will stop the story if Rebecca can provide her with some juicier gossip, but Rebecca is stumped. Later in the episode Rebecca is shocked to discover the paparazzi situation with Theresa was a set-up to further the Evans new careers as the next Richard and Judy. Maria and Rebecca decide to join forces and form an unlikely alliance to get their own backs on the Evans.


  著名足球队于大战前下榻Hotel Babylon,以大热胜家姿态备战。一众球员态度嚣张差劣,又带同妓女到酒店耍乐。Rebecca更被其中一名球员侮辱,大感气难下,遂联同一众酒店员工展开报复行动,最后球队更因此而输掉了比赛,此举却令Hotel Babylon上下员工,有人欢喜有人愁。

  Tanya介绍客人Dovic来到酒店,Tanya透露Dovis是一名战犯,但Charlie 和 Jackie并不相信,但当酒店职员为向足球队报复,令火警钟铃声大作时,Dovic竟神秘失踪!Charlie回过神来时,却发现歇斯底里的Dovic 将Tanya胁持在房内……

  A Premiership football team checks into the hotel ahead of a must-win big match. They make the mistake of upsetting the hotel staff, who begin planning a satisfying revenge. Meanwhile, a weird group of guests, all dressed in black and named after Cornish villages, arouse Annas interest. To her horror she discovers theyre an end of the world cult.

  Will she be able to escape their clutches?


  Anna的前同事Caz嫁给城中富豪Lord Stanwood后,立即由一名服务生摇身一变,成为贵族夫人,今集Caz将与其丈夫入住「星级酒店」,并举办慈善化装舞会。心存妒意的Anna大话连篇,除讹称自己快将升职外,又「借来」晚装混入现派对场,更与Stanwood在储物柜内鬼混。


  Caz Simpson – a former chambermaid at The Lanesborough and friend and colleague of Annas – checks in... as the new Lady Stanwood. Caz and husband Lord Stanwood are hosting a charity masked ball. A jealous Anna lies in order not to be outdone – calling herself the “manager in waiting” - and manages to get herself into the ball by “borrowing” a costume. Anna quickly discovers the upper class isnt all its cracked up to be when Lord Stanwood (Andy Henderson) tries to get fruity with her in a store cupboard. When Anna tries to tell Caz the two get involved in a showdown - much to the mortification of Lord Stanwood who subsequently renounces Caz as his wife. The night isnt totally ruined for Caz – not only does she find out who the man is who broke Annas heart (Charlie) she also realises she will be due a huge divorce settlement.


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