- ·上一篇剧情:《小宝和老财/斗地主》分集剧情介绍第1-46全集大结局
- ·下一篇剧情:《爱情回来了》分集剧情介绍第1-20全集
《最爱是你/In The Name Of Love》剧情简介第1-20全集大结局
Episode 6
Xin Ren’s elder sister, Chu Yun, is in the midst of divorcing his husband after finding out that he has a marital affair. She moved to live with Xin Ren. Chu Yun is afraid to take the wheel again after an accident which happened a couple of years ago. However, Xin Ren forced her to send his son to child care as a first step of stepping out from her past. Soon, she met a man in his mid-thirties, Fang Yao Liang. Noticing how much of a careful driver he is, Yao Liang left a good impression on Chu Yun.
最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第7集剧情
Episode 7
Xiao Min brought Xin Ren to a home, which was in a mess; it lived a mentally disabled young boy, Zhi Hai. Xin Ren thought that he was there to do volunteer work, so started cleaning up the place and even gave the house a new coat of paint. But he was disturbed by Zhi Hai, and when he felt that it was unbearable, he scolded Zhi Hai. It was only then did Xiao Min reveal to Xin Ren that Zhi Hai is his younger brother.
最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第8集剧情
Episode 8
Xin Ren told his sister excitedly that he has a girlfriend, thinking that the girl will be her, Xiao Shan was secretly happy; but who knows, it turned out to be Xiao Min. Xiao Shan was badly hurt and saddened, she ran out of the house, Xin Ren immediately gave chase. When he saw Xiao Shan entering an expensive car, he was shocked.
最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第9集剧情
Episode 9
Thinking that Xiao Shan has a terminal illness and days are numbered, Xin Ren took pity on her and brought her back home. He took care of her so well that shocked Xiao Shan. Seeing that he gave so much attention to Xiao Shan, Chu Yun thought that he was two-timing. She warned him that if he has no feelings for Xiao Shan, he should let her know soon; but Xin Ren explained that he has a reason for his actions.
最爱是你/In The Name Of Love剧情分集介绍:第10集剧情

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